Surgical Success Stories - Aregash, Mutare and Almaz (#232, #233, #234)

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Aregash is 60 years old and has had six children, five of whom are still alive. She is married and travelled with two of her sons to receive care. She’s had prolapse for four years and the doctors were able to completely address her surgical needs.

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Mutare is 60 years of age. She has had eight children and six of them are still alive. She’s suffered from prolapse for the past year. Her husband is still alive but has another wife and they do not see each other regularly. Her surgery went extremely well and she is now free of prolapse.

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Almaz is 55 years old. She has had six children and all but one are alive. She lives with her husband and has had very severe prolapse for the last three years. She is now free of her prolapse and recovering well. Thank you for your generosity!