Surgical Success Stories - Genet, Askalech and Mounone (#229, #230, #231)

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Genet is only 30 years old and only has one child.  She’s suffered from severe prolapse for three years and desires more children. She was crying in clinic saying how prolapse has ruined her life and she couldn’t leave her home or go to other people’s houses.  She was SO happy to have surgery and is so grateful for your support.  This surgery has literally changed her life!

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Askalech is 45 years old.  She has five children and lives with her husband.  She’s suffered from prolapse for one year and has now had a successful surgery.  She is now free of her prolapse!

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Mounone, who is 60, has had prolapse for eight years. She is widowed and had six children, 3 of whom are still alive. Her oldest son accompanied her (this is common in Ethiopia where the oldest son bares a lot of family responsibility) and she successfully underwent a definitive prolapse surgery today. Thank you for your support!