St. Jude's School in Ingersoll

The St. Jude Catholic community donates over $1400 to Ethiopian charity, Mothers with a Heart for Ethiopia.

Shelley Green and two other mothers who adopted children from Ethiopia, have founded the charity, Mothers with a Heart for Ethiopia. During their time in Ethiopia, these women were significantly and forever impacted by the severe and unbelievable poverty they witnessed. Recently, Shelley Green was a guest presenter at St. Jude School in Ingersoll and shared some of her experiences and pictures of her time in Ethiopia. Shelley's presentation was a strong reminder that we should be grateful everyday for what we have and where we live. She also empasized that we need to show compassion through meaningful action. Mothers with a Heart for Ethiopia sell necklaces handmade by women living in Ethiopia. Each necklace costs $20.00. All proceeds are returned to Ethiopia to an Ethiopian organization called Kingdom Vision International. This organization currently supports families, especially children living in their orphanages.

Mothers with a Heart for Ethiopia are looking for more groups who want to hear their message of gratitude and compassion.

-Denise Does, a grade 4 teacher at St. Jude's school in Ingersoll after a presentation was made by Shelley Green, one of the founding mothers of Mothers with a Heart for Ethiopia.