Surgical Success Stories - #509-512

Bezale is 35 years old. She is married with one child and prior to going to the hospital she had been struggling with her prolapse for the past three years. She’s now prolapse-free and back home resting with her family.

Berhanesh is married with three children. After struggling with prolapse for six of her 35 years, she is now prolapse-free and resting.

Worke is 45 years old and widowed. She have given birth to seven children and six of them are still alive. Her prolapse had been bothering her for the past four years and she’s also now back home with her family.

Akale is 55 years old, widowed, and has given birth to nine children with five of them surviving. Her prolapse was quite severe and had been present for at least five years. Thank you for helping her!